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Damn, the game was really good! 

Great game! One bug I've found though (On the current Steam release) is that the paintball cheat code is able to be entered but doesn't seem to do anything.

(5 edits)

Hey, nice to see the game out of Steam jail. I just got it on there.

While this doesn't really matter, I thought I'd report that the dialogue options box for walking way from the watchers right the start of a campaign when you say "Yes" or "No" seems kind of broken and you can only barely see the other option.

I'm guessing that's why it has a scroll bar on the side and for a one off joke it functions fine but I thought I'd mention it since I'm not sure this is intentional.


The key rebind doesn't seem to allow me to change a and d for turning, nor does clicking default actually reset things to the default, and I didn't need to click confirm to actually have my changes go through either.

It also doesn't seem to save my changes now either, so I'm just stuck with a fucked up control scheme in the middle of being changed and it always defaults back to the broken one when starting up the game again.

Kind of wish rebinding was available from the title screen for single player too.

In the forbidden forest course I keep finding new places to get stuck in.

Interesting this seems to show that the speed is an object in game? Since the ground is covering it.

Also multiple times on the jump pad section, I've clipped and seen the AI clip through the specific jump where you need to make a left turn after landing, the one that takes you out of the jump pad. Just clipping through the wall after failing to make the turn. Though at least that isn't race ending.

On Outsiders Manor, for the jump pad that ends the lap, it seems excessvely punishing to miss the jump (especially if you end up hitting the railing and falling off) or be hit out of it by something like Galaxy's End. It's tends to result in ending up more than one full lap backwards. I kind of wish it'd just re-spawn you like if you fell out of bounds in that case.

In the credits, I had the X to boost button prompt show up on the results screen.

And when selecting a kart on the campain I noticed it seems like weight gets cut off a bit? It's not a big deal but it seems like it'd be better off a bit higher up?

For the final battle, the whole insight draining mechanic has the issue of causing your insight to go over 40 if you exit the course after losing once, and the mechanic itself seems pointless when you get reset to the start of the fight anyway after losing.

None of this is really a big deal (minus the controls binding issues anyway, I would also like it if binding look back and power break worke, it seems kind of weird it's on the controls binding screen) but felt I should mention everything I find.

Загалом доволі непогано.

Just want to say awesome game 

So how do you get the fodder character back on the racer select screen? They disappeared when I started unlocking other racers.


really rreally fun game. i beg for a online multiplayer or a separate game exactly like this with online multiplayer 

(1 edit) (+1)

This game takes my favorite things: Bloodborne, Mario Kart, Twisted Metal, and PS1-era jank, and combines it all into a shockingly clever kart race/combat game. Pick it up, and tip generously!

Seriously, though, this is an incredibly full-featured game, with a story mode, bot matches, split-screen, and even New Game Plus!

Love this! I love kart racers so it's really nice to have another good one to play.

I'm glad the AI is getting slowly fixed, they're still just driving into the walls for me and the lack of competition doesn't really give me an incentive to play past the campaign and I don't have anyone IRL to play with.

One issue I had though is that during the portal chase with Nicholas after you hit the jump thing that turns you around and you do a jump onto a jump pad if you land on the edge of the jump pad you can bounce into a side part of the road you're supposed to land on and fall, having to restart the race. It happened to me multiple times and the only way I got past it was by somehow bouncing high enough to drive over the thing that kept blocking me. I couldn't get far enough to land in the middle of the bounce pad to land in the middle of the road every time. I wonder if it's a high frame rate bug again like with the speed issue going up inclines.

You need to boost right after the jump to make it to the platform.


Hi, I'm really loving this game a lot! Genuinely one of the most fun kart racers I've played in a very long time.

I dunno if this is the place for it, but I just wanted to point out one small thing I found. In Free Battle mode, under the Customize Power Ups menu, some of the items still have their old names.


I'm enjoying the game a lot, but a few bugs and suggestions:

  • The Hunt doesn't keep track of Blood Droplets properly, everyone scored 0 by the end.
  • While playing as Raven in the Miralodian Sewer Circuit, I used an item as her, but it wouldn't get rid of the item. It counted as me having an item and no item simultaneously, meaning I couldn't use the item but I couldn't pick up anything new.
  • I think enemies should respawn throughout normal Races, as I've run into situations where a racer gains an obscene lead over the other racers due to hoarding a large number of Blood Droplets and not having many methods of catching up unless you're neck-and-neck with the other racer. This isn't just me complaining about enemy AI or anything, I would often get this unfair advantage too lol
  • The boost is helpful for getting out of stun, but I don't think it boosts enough to help get a lead on another racer. This ties into the other suggestion about Blood Droplets and enemy respawns.

I can't think of many other suggestions at the moment, but I wish you luck on further updates to this game! I'm really loving it so far and I've beaten the campaign twice now.


It would be amazing to play this on an actual PS1


A few bugs I encountered: In the courtyard campaign race, I clipped into one of the dog cages.

In a free battle, a hunter pistol ran out of ammo but but stayed in my hand and couldn't pick up other weapons.

After dying in a free battle, the camera became fixed and couldn't use weapons

Other than that, I loved this game and hope it'll have online MP at some point

This is so cool! What engine (if any) was this made in, and how did you recreate the PSX-Style visuals? I've been trying in Unity for a while but it always looks a little off...



Does anyone know how to get the game to recognize a ps4 or ps5 controller? I can’t get it to work Bluetooth or wired.

(1 edit) (+1)

use DS4, found here.

Hi, just came to report a bug, on 1.03.1 there's still a glitch that makes it so that the targeting system doesn't target other players in the 2 player split screen. Idk if this applies to 3-4 player though


it's definitely not something most people will care about but the font being this modern really threw me off

significantly more prevalent: the Accessibility menu did not open when i clicked on it

Great game so far! But I noticed that sometimes the game on a controller would register 2 inputs instead of one?

same issue

This game is so fun. I didn't realize it'd been patched yet, but even playing with some of the bugs in v1.0, it was a blast. It wasn't picking up my controller inputs so I played on keyboard, and I was surprised at how nice it felt with just WASD.

The art and animations are super charming. The music is great. 10/10 easy recommend to absolutely everyone I know. haha


Nothing says "AAA Bad" like an april fools joke that escalates into a kart racer with more innovation than any similar triple- or double-A game last decade. Also the perverse hybrid of [redacted] and MK music fucks incredibly hard. The production value is so big, my mind is blown. Now, we only need a separate dev releasing a mod with the original 3D assets of the project.

(2 edits)

Highly interesting game. The PSX-aesthetics are impeccable, the sound- and music design fits perfectly and gameplay is challenging and fun. I just love the bizarre, creepy atmosphere. I congratulate you to this achievement.


Tried the game today, and really enjoyed it! I played it on Linux, launching it under the Heroic launcher (since it's easier to set up), here are the steps I went through to get it running:

1. On Heroic, click "Add Game".

2. Press the "Run installer first" button, go to DownloadDirectory/Engine/Extras/Redist/en-us/ and select UE4PrereqSetup_x64.exe.

3. Follow the setup until you click Finish.

4. Set the title name and set Linux as platform. Under Wine Settings, select a recent Proton version (I used Proton GE 9-1, but official Proton 9.0 should work as well).

5. Set the game executable to NMKART.exe, located in the game's download directory, and click "Finish".

6. Right click on the game, select Settings, go to the "Wine" tab, and press the "winecfg" button.

7. Go to the Libraries tab, under "New override for library" select dxgi from the list, and click Add. Then, at the bottom of the window, click Apply and then OK.

8. Launch the game.

Tested on Manjaro Linux, with an Nvidia 3060, using the latest drivers.

Forgot to say, the game version I played is 1.03

minor bug: if a visceral boost triggers phase two of a boss, the camera remains stuck to your side, and the hud, hidden.

specifically, this was encountered during father gregory's fight, in case it's unique to that.

also, really cool game! awesome soundtrack.

will try to patch this as quickly as possible, thank you!


hey, i just wanted to say that the steam version of nightmare kart still isnt out in germany. it said that it will be released on may 31 but now after may 31 its saying "coming soon". just wanted to ask if there are any problems.


The dev has said that she's just waiting on steam to finish approving the game, so my guess is that it's just a matter of a few days at most


It's not even out in the US yet at the moment, Steam is taking their sweet time reviewing it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Changing the FPS or the resolution (not sure which it is) messes with the AI a fair bit.  Makes them drive into walls constantly.  Playing on default seems to be the best way to play right now.  Either way I love this.

Edit: This is on current patch 1.02 at time of writing

Great game, I'd really reccomend using keyboard controls instead of a controller if you suffer from some wrist pain like myself, at least with the default controller layout I started feeling some pain during the play session. Reccomend either changing them or switching to keyboard, had no issues there

Pretende adicionar outros IDIOMAS? 

Parabéns pelo esforço e dedicação 

A phenomenal kart racer that i thoroughly enjoyed. The only issue ive experienced so far is multiplayer failing to function due to my controllers not connecting to the game. Still, the campaign mode alone is a blast that id highly recommend to any fans of kart racers or fromsoft games.

The game doesn't want to work with my Xbox controller. It keeps trying to recognize it as a keyboard, and although most of the buttons work as intended, having the camera turn whenever I try to steer the kart is a nightmare to navigate. Doesn't help that it keeps doubling my directional inputs because of this issue. Attempting to switch to a PS4 controller also didn't fix anything, as it doesn't even recognize it.

Regardless, I appreciate the work you've done to make this what it is. Can't wait to see what else you've got in store!


Have you tried playing the game through steam (adding it as a non steam game)? I use a switch pro controller through steam and it works fine

I'll have to try that and see what happens, but considering I tried it with other games like Sonic and the Fallen Star and it DIDN'T work, I'm not hopeful.



AI seemed to always get stuck on every race but loved the game.

Made a video of me playing this. I ran into a few bugs which I address in the video. Besides that tho I really enjoyed it. Actually felt like I was playing a PlayStation 1 game. The design, the music absolutely great. I will definitely be checking out more games from you in the future.

Thanks for this.


I thought the game was super fun! I never really played Bloodborne or have much knowledge on it, but this game really holds up on its own! The racing with a fighting aspect is so much fun, I found my most fun was in the arena maps. I love the design work really well made, always a fan of PSX. The audio and music was great! The voice acting was really good. The UI was really well made. The different karts and weapons were fun to test. (From version 1.00.2) I will say the AI seemed to get stuck a lot, however the Bosses seemed to be better. During "Trap Nicholas" a section was open for me to go into but killed me, maybe should be closed till I need to go that way? The map "Pocket Dream Course" was really bugged for me, none of the racers nor me could make it down the hill smoothly. Overall, a reallllly cool game had a lot of fun playing! 

Happy to pay for this  -  its incredibly well made, challenging and a lot of fun!

good job!
is it possible to make this game portable ?

Bought/donated just to support the dev - prefer to wait for the Steam release [whenever it'll finally happen lol]. All Hail Bunlith!


Just got the extra secret bonus character.

Was not expecting them to be to scale. I CAN'T SEE SHHH
(Also never change this, it's really funny. A true handicap if I've ever seen one)

Also: I highly recommend everyone try using fodder-snake ball with the brain cage if you want a good laugh. The other ones with brain cage are still funny and all, but snake ball takes the cake.

I'm sure it's more bearable with the far camera but yeah that shit was hilarious when I tried it out lmao

It's actually worse with far camera because you see even more of them that the zoomed in camera cuts off lol

well, this looks like my jam i am not into car racing gaming’s but i am fan of twisted metal style games

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