hey, i just wanted to say that the steam version of nightmare kart still isnt out in germany. it said that it will be released on may 31 but now after may 31 its saying "coming soon". just wanted to ask if there are any problems.
Changing the FPS or the resolution (not sure which it is) messes with the AI a fair bit. Makes them drive into walls constantly. Playing on default seems to be the best way to play right now. Either way I love this.
Edit: This is on current patch 1.02 at time of writing
Great game, I'd really reccomend using keyboard controls instead of a controller if you suffer from some wrist pain like myself, at least with the default controller layout I started feeling some pain during the play session. Reccomend either changing them or switching to keyboard, had no issues there
A phenomenal kart racer that i thoroughly enjoyed. The only issue ive experienced so far is multiplayer failing to function due to my controllers not connecting to the game. Still, the campaign mode alone is a blast that id highly recommend to any fans of kart racers or fromsoft games.
The game doesn't want to work with my Xbox controller. It keeps trying to recognize it as a keyboard, and although most of the buttons work as intended, having the camera turn whenever I try to steer the kart is a nightmare to navigate. Doesn't help that it keeps doubling my directional inputs because of this issue. Attempting to switch to a PS4 controller also didn't fix anything, as it doesn't even recognize it.
Regardless, I appreciate the work you've done to make this what it is. Can't wait to see what else you've got in store!
I'll have to try that and see what happens, but considering I tried it with other games like Sonic and the Fallen Star and it DIDN'T work, I'm not hopeful.
Made a video of me playing this. I ran into a few bugs which I address in the video. Besides that tho I really enjoyed it. Actually felt like I was playing a PlayStation 1 game. The design, the music absolutely great. I will definitely be checking out more games from you in the future.
I thought the game was super fun! I never really played Bloodborne or have much knowledge on it, but this game really holds up on its own! The racing with a fighting aspect is so much fun, I found my most fun was in the arena maps. I love the design work really well made, always a fan of PSX. The audio and music was great! The voice acting was really good. The UI was really well made. The different karts and weapons were fun to test. (From version 1.00.2) I will say the AI seemed to get stuck a lot, however the Bosses seemed to be better. During "Trap Nicholas" a section was open for me to go into but killed me, maybe should be closed till I need to go that way? The map "Pocket Dream Course" was really bugged for me, none of the racers nor me could make it down the hill smoothly. Overall, a reallllly cool game had a lot of fun playing!
Was not expecting them to be to scale. I CAN'T SEE SHHH (Also never change this, it's really funny. A true handicap if I've ever seen one)
Also: I highly recommend everyone try using fodder-snake ball with the brain cage if you want a good laugh. The other ones with brain cage are still funny and all, but snake ball takes the cake.
had a few bugs mainly related to controls and bindings
don't seem to be able to bind any mouse inputs in the settings, it always moves the selector to the top of the list and doesn't place a binding on the input.
dont seem to be able to change prompts to keyboard , just controller ones
cant get inputs to register with wireless controller.
unbinding menu button seems to make it impossible to get back to the settings to bind it to a new key
Controls on Xpad Razer controller are messed up unfortunately. Pressing any direction on the d-pad registers as 2 presses. Had a lot of trouble rebinding the controls too, some other buttons wouldn't register. But maybe I was just really confused by the double presses lol
The AI seems a bit off to me, in 1.00.21 I couldn't even beat the first race after the 1.01.0 update the AI can't touch me. I zip ahead on the first lap and they can't keep up at all.
I like the mechanics and aesthetics but it is rather dull to play with no challenge.
Try putting them on hard mode on free race or try the NG+ cycles. I think the base game puts the AI on normal. It's also heavily map dependent, as the AI excels on some maps but can't hardly do some of them at all (Namely the forbidden woods and the clocktower race tracks they have a lot of problems)
#1 on the intro cutscene from the holy sword to the player character, if you press pause/skip/start/options the game will freeze (presumably an invisible pause menu pops up). Pressing pause again will move the game forward a frame, and pressing X/A will resume the game. This also happens in the transition cutscene from the platform section to the arena.
#2 Enemies don't respawn when you fall off, so even though you're back at the start, some sections become impossible.
#3 Sometimes hitting an enemy with the sword will stop all forward momentum rather than slashing through them.
#4 The final jump will sometimes not boost you high enough to land on the platform with the portal to the boss arena.
BONUS recommendation: Maybe have the enemies give you blood droplets so the max speed can increase. It just feels kinda weird to keep flip flopping from 90 to 180.
Had an awesome fun time streaming the game! Found a couple of very small janky moments here and there, which can be seen in the vod. Namely in the Forbidden Forest there's a hole in the geometry that I was able to be pushed into quite easily, and fell off the track (seen at about 52:25). Also some of the HUD elements in the battle results ended up offscreen (roughly at 40:00) I was running the game in a windowed mode, so I'm not sure if that affected the way it displayed these elements, but since this was seemingly horizontally cut off, and there was still plenty of black space either side I wasn't sure if this was just a visual error? I think on other HUD setups small parts of the display were also cut off, but this could again be down to running it in a particular resolution? (I'm not sure on these things) Finally, this is just a query. In the Father Gregory fight, he seems to close off the gates to the route around the track, yet after dying and restarting the fight, I was able to go around the entire loop again coming back to the fight arena. I wasn't sure if that was a bug, or if I just misunderstood what was being closed off in that short gate closing cutscene.
I LOVE this game. This isn't a bug or anything but do you think you could make it so that cheats could be saved after inputting them and then allowing the player to check it on or off? I get if that clashes with the PSX aesthetic too much so if it does no worries. That's more of a QoL thing and nothing regarding the quality of the game (which is fantastic).
Yoooo congrats on the release! I'm having a lotta fun playing, and y'all did good on becoming legally distinct!
Is there a reason vert jitter is on by default though? It's kind of making all of these cutscenes super disorienting to me with how every texture is freaking out when anything moves.
#1: Unlocks from playing the campaign for Free Play mode (Characters and Karts) do not stay unlocked after exiting the game and booting it back up.
#2: Selecting more than 1 player in Free Play, backing out, and playing campaign will make the campaign multiplayer (or at least have multiple screens), but will then glitch out in menus.
#3: In the forest, sometimes there is a possibility that a jump pad (in the section with multiple jump pads) will launch you and cause you to miss the next platform (this happens regardless of player input).
Update on #1: It appears SOMETIMES doing a level in campaign will bring back your unlocks for free play. Doing Father Gregory fight brought the unlocks back, but the Matilda Sisters fight did not.
It's pretty dang sweet so far but I'd love to see implementation of controller rumble and an option to revert the graphics setting to default for an update. Also are there plans to add widescreen support? asking for a friend
How the heck do i catch nicholas in his 2nd chase sequence? He runs through a teleporter, gate slams shut, i have to drive back over to the middle, where nicholas is, and he runs to the OTHER teleporter, and the gate slams shut. I found one moon blade, used it at what must have been the wrong time, can't figure out how to hop the railing to get down to the middle room, or break the floor-glass. Any advice?
I chase him to the first teleporter, do a 180, then take my first right. Should be a library looking room. There's a hole to drop down that puts you right where you need to be to lure him into the second arena
Here's some bugs I found and a few complaints I guess
Beast Mode still doesn't work on free battle. The match starts but a beast is never selected so no one can get points
In Free Battle "The Hunt" doesn't work either. Killing enemies, racers or monsters, does not contribute to the score and again no one can get points.
AI seem very good at battling but fairly poor at racing as they often get stuck on things and have difficulty avoiding most track obstacles
--In the Forbidden Forest race track, the AI can't seem to get past the section with the consecutive jump pads. I see at least three characters dying there constantly until the match ends. The issue seems to happen anytime an AI racer gets turned around; once it happens they aren't sure how to get back on track most of the time.
--In the Clocktower race track, most of the AI were driving into a wall. Some were even driving backwards. They seemed more interested in shooting each other than actually racing
When point blank on enemies (literally touching their kart with yours) many attacks miss, shooting past their vehicle or simply not hitting them. Also ramming someone feels like it should do damage or at least knock them out of the way when boosting. Instead both combatants halt completely and have to slowly, awkwardly reverse to unstuck themselves. Would recommend adding a bit of bounce when two vehicles collide (maybe have a formula where weight difference changes how much they bounce; so two heavies would bounce eachother, two lights would bounce eachother, but one light would be bounced very far from a heavy while the heavy wouldn't move much). Bouncing off each other allows the combatants to get back to fighting faster.
And please oh please when doing a "Capture the Insight" game let me pick up the insight even when I'm holding a weapon already. Either have it replace the weapon, temporarily override it, or have some kind of option to drop your weapon with a single button press without needing to fire every shot one at a time.
I started exploring the gothic world of this game and I've been enjoying it every time I win the races and battles. A really well-made, polished game... a true indie. WALKTHROUGH HERE: Part 1
so far i am absolutely loving this legally distinct game. However i seem to have run into a pretty annoying issue, which is that on the final phase of nicholas i cannot seem to make the boost pad jump with the clocktower kart. No matter what i try im always slightly off
← Return to game
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hey, i just wanted to say that the steam version of nightmare kart still isnt out in germany. it said that it will be released on may 31 but now after may 31 its saying "coming soon". just wanted to ask if there are any problems.
The dev has said that she's just waiting on steam to finish approving the game, so my guess is that it's just a matter of a few days at most
It's not even out in the US yet at the moment, Steam is taking their sweet time reviewing it.
Changing the FPS or the resolution (not sure which it is) messes with the AI a fair bit. Makes them drive into walls constantly. Playing on default seems to be the best way to play right now. Either way I love this.
Edit: This is on current patch 1.02 at time of writing
Great game, I'd really reccomend using keyboard controls instead of a controller if you suffer from some wrist pain like myself, at least with the default controller layout I started feeling some pain during the play session. Reccomend either changing them or switching to keyboard, had no issues there
Pretende adicionar outros IDIOMAS?
Parabéns pelo esforço e dedicação
A phenomenal kart racer that i thoroughly enjoyed. The only issue ive experienced so far is multiplayer failing to function due to my controllers not connecting to the game. Still, the campaign mode alone is a blast that id highly recommend to any fans of kart racers or fromsoft games.
The game doesn't want to work with my Xbox controller. It keeps trying to recognize it as a keyboard, and although most of the buttons work as intended, having the camera turn whenever I try to steer the kart is a nightmare to navigate. Doesn't help that it keeps doubling my directional inputs because of this issue. Attempting to switch to a PS4 controller also didn't fix anything, as it doesn't even recognize it.
Regardless, I appreciate the work you've done to make this what it is. Can't wait to see what else you've got in store!
Have you tried playing the game through steam (adding it as a non steam game)? I use a switch pro controller through steam and it works fine
I'll have to try that and see what happens, but considering I tried it with other games like Sonic and the Fallen Star and it DIDN'T work, I'm not hopeful.
AI seemed to always get stuck on every race but loved the game.
Made a video of me playing this. I ran into a few bugs which I address in the video. Besides that tho I really enjoyed it. Actually felt like I was playing a PlayStation 1 game. The design, the music absolutely great. I will definitely be checking out more games from you in the future.
Thanks for this.
I thought the game was super fun! I never really played Bloodborne or have much knowledge on it, but this game really holds up on its own! The racing with a fighting aspect is so much fun, I found my most fun was in the arena maps. I love the design work really well made, always a fan of PSX. The audio and music was great! The voice acting was really good. The UI was really well made. The different karts and weapons were fun to test. (From version 1.00.2) I will say the AI seemed to get stuck a lot, however the Bosses seemed to be better. During "Trap Nicholas" a section was open for me to go into but killed me, maybe should be closed till I need to go that way? The map "Pocket Dream Course" was really bugged for me, none of the racers nor me could make it down the hill smoothly. Overall, a reallllly cool game had a lot of fun playing!
Happy to pay for this - its incredibly well made, challenging and a lot of fun!
good job!
is it possible to make this game portable ?
Bought/donated just to support the dev - prefer to wait for the Steam release [whenever it'll finally happen lol]. All Hail Bunlith!
Just got the extra secret bonus character.
Was not expecting them to be to scale. I CAN'T SEE SHHH
(Also never change this, it's really funny. A true handicap if I've ever seen one)
Also: I highly recommend everyone try using fodder-snake ball with the brain cage if you want a good laugh. The other ones with brain cage are still funny and all, but snake ball takes the cake.
I'm sure it's more bearable with the far camera but yeah that shit was hilarious when I tried it out lmao
It's actually worse with far camera because you see even more of them that the zoomed in camera cuts off lol
Made a video
had a few bugs mainly related to controls and bindings
don't seem to be able to bind any mouse inputs in the settings, it always moves the selector to the top of the list and doesn't place a binding on the input.
dont seem to be able to change prompts to keyboard , just controller ones
cant get inputs to register with wireless controller.
unbinding menu button seems to make it impossible to get back to the settings to bind it to a new key
Controls on Xpad Razer controller are messed up unfortunately. Pressing any direction on the d-pad registers as 2 presses. Had a lot of trouble rebinding the controls too, some other buttons wouldn't register. But maybe I was just really confused by the double presses lol
Controller works fine in other games
is there a way to re-bind keys? I'm a nerd with a tiny keyboard and no arrow keys 😵💫
Pause during a race and go into the options.
thank you! I was stuck looking in the title menu and hadn't gotten to there whoops
in angel graveyard at the bottom of the map i ended up being sent flying beyond the rails and got stuck.
The AI seems a bit off to me, in 1.00.21 I couldn't even beat the first race after the 1.01.0 update the AI can't touch me. I zip ahead on the first lap and they can't keep up at all.
I like the mechanics and aesthetics but it is rather dull to play with no challenge.
Try putting them on hard mode on free race or try the NG+ cycles. I think the base game puts the AI on normal. It's also heavily map dependent, as the AI excels on some maps but can't hardly do some of them at all (Namely the forbidden woods and the clocktower race tracks they have a lot of problems)
Thanks for the pointers, was going to wait for a few more updates but I'll give it another try later on.
Some more bugs to report from Version 1.01.0:
Final Boss Bugs (Platform Section):
#1 on the intro cutscene from the holy sword to the player character, if you press pause/skip/start/options the game will freeze (presumably an invisible pause menu pops up). Pressing pause again will move the game forward a frame, and pressing X/A will resume the game. This also happens in the transition cutscene from the platform section to the arena.
#2 Enemies don't respawn when you fall off, so even though you're back at the start, some sections become impossible.
#3 Sometimes hitting an enemy with the sword will stop all forward momentum rather than slashing through them.
#4 The final jump will sometimes not boost you high enough to land on the platform with the portal to the boss arena.
BONUS recommendation: Maybe have the enemies give you blood droplets so the max speed can increase. It just feels kinda weird to keep flip flopping from 90 to 180.
Bug number 2 has been fixed in the latest hotfix, 1.01.1!
I am having a lot of difficulty setting up the controls on a controller.
I'm trying to use a Switch Pro Controller.
In game I don't even see an option to rebind the control sticks.
During a race, you can pause to access Button Rebinding. I don't believe you can rebind sticks
Namely in the Forbidden Forest there's a hole in the geometry that I was able to be pushed into quite easily, and fell off the track (seen at about 52:25).
Also some of the HUD elements in the battle results ended up offscreen (roughly at 40:00) I was running the game in a windowed mode, so I'm not sure if that affected the way it displayed these elements, but since this was seemingly horizontally cut off, and there was still plenty of black space either side I wasn't sure if this was just a visual error?
I think on other HUD setups small parts of the display were also cut off, but this could again be down to running it in a particular resolution? (I'm not sure on these things)
Finally, this is just a query. In the Father Gregory fight, he seems to close off the gates to the route around the track, yet after dying and restarting the fight, I was able to go around the entire loop again coming back to the fight arena. I wasn't sure if that was a bug, or if I just misunderstood what was being closed off in that short gate closing cutscene.
fantastic work! Was an absolute blast to play though, can wait to make a propper drinking game out of this :)
I LOVE this game. This isn't a bug or anything but do you think you could make it so that cheats could be saved after inputting them and then allowing the player to check it on or off? I get if that clashes with the PSX aesthetic too much so if it does no worries. That's more of a QoL thing and nothing regarding the quality of the game (which is fantastic).
Yoooo congrats on the release! I'm having a lotta fun playing, and y'all did good on becoming legally distinct!
Is there a reason vert jitter is on by default though? It's kind of making all of these cutscenes super disorienting to me with how every texture is freaking out when anything moves.
A couple bugs to report:
#1: Unlocks from playing the campaign for Free Play mode (Characters and Karts) do not stay unlocked after exiting the game and booting it back up.
#2: Selecting more than 1 player in Free Play, backing out, and playing campaign will make the campaign multiplayer (or at least have multiple screens), but will then glitch out in menus.
#3: In the forest, sometimes there is a possibility that a jump pad (in the section with multiple jump pads) will launch you and cause you to miss the next platform (this happens regardless of player input).
I'll post more as we keep discovering them!
Update on #1: It appears SOMETIMES doing a level in campaign will bring back your unlocks for free play. Doing Father Gregory fight brought the unlocks back, but the Matilda Sisters fight did not.
To get your unlocks back just load as if you're about to play campaign, but then back out to the main menu
I did that a few time and it didn't seem to do much of anything.
It's pretty dang sweet so far but I'd love to see implementation of controller rumble and an option to revert the graphics setting to default for an update. Also are there plans to add widescreen support? asking for a friend
I’m struggling with the game for now, but it’s fascinating and feels good to play overall.
Happy Pride! 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
Love the game,
How the heck do i catch nicholas in his 2nd chase sequence? He runs through a teleporter, gate slams shut, i have to drive back over to the middle, where nicholas is, and he runs to the OTHER teleporter, and the gate slams shut. I found one moon blade, used it at what must have been the wrong time, can't figure out how to hop the railing to get down to the middle room, or break the floor-glass. Any advice?
I chase him to the first teleporter, do a 180, then take my first right. Should be a library looking room. There's a hole to drop down that puts you right where you need to be to lure him into the second arena
I love this game! But I'm having trouble playing local multiplayer :(
When playing with 2 controllers or controller and keyboard, both inputs just go to player 1 and I can't find resources on how to fix this if possible.
Having the same issue!
Are you using Ds4, might be becasue of this
Here's some bugs I found and a few complaints I guess
Beast Mode still doesn't work on free battle. The match starts but a beast is never selected so no one can get points
In Free Battle "The Hunt" doesn't work either. Killing enemies, racers or monsters, does not contribute to the score and again no one can get points.
AI seem very good at battling but fairly poor at racing as they often get stuck on things and have difficulty avoiding most track obstacles
--In the Forbidden Forest race track, the AI can't seem to get past the section with the consecutive jump pads. I see at least three characters dying there constantly until the match ends. The issue seems to happen anytime an AI racer gets turned around; once it happens they aren't sure how to get back on track most of the time.
--In the Clocktower race track, most of the AI were driving into a wall. Some were even driving backwards. They seemed more interested in shooting each other than actually racing
When point blank on enemies (literally touching their kart with yours) many attacks miss, shooting past their vehicle or simply not hitting them. Also ramming someone feels like it should do damage or at least knock them out of the way when boosting. Instead both combatants halt completely and have to slowly, awkwardly reverse to unstuck themselves. Would recommend adding a bit of bounce when two vehicles collide (maybe have a formula where weight difference changes how much they bounce; so two heavies would bounce eachother, two lights would bounce eachother, but one light would be bounced very far from a heavy while the heavy wouldn't move much). Bouncing off each other allows the combatants to get back to fighting faster.
And please oh please when doing a "Capture the Insight" game let me pick up the insight even when I'm holding a weapon already. Either have it replace the weapon, temporarily override it, or have some kind of option to drop your weapon with a single button press without needing to fire every shot one at a time.
All this aside, it's a very good game. Big fan.
I started exploring the gothic world of this game and I've been enjoying it every time I win the races and battles. A really well-made, polished game... a true indie. WALKTHROUGH HERE:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 - Ending 1
Part 3 - Ending 2
so far i am absolutely loving this legally distinct game. However i seem to have run into a pretty annoying issue, which is that on the final phase of nicholas i cannot seem to make the boost pad jump with the clocktower kart. No matter what i try im always slightly off
I actually just got done fighting him with the clocktower kart and didn't have any issues, so it might be an issue outside of the vehicle.